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Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim
Afterschool 'Superstars' is back on - £1 per session - Mon-Thurs: 2:00pm -2:45pm
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A message from the Principal


I would like to take a moment to welcome you to our school website. Hopefully here, you will find all the information you need to answer any queries or questions you may have, but if we have left something unanswered - please call us on 02890 391 961. 

On behalf of our whole staff team, pupils and governors, I want to welcome you to our school. I am honoured to be leading the team at Wheatfield Primary & Nursery School and to continue to provide a nurturing, stimulating environment for our young people to grow and learn. We are so proud of all our pupils and strive to make sure they are given every opportunity to reach their full potentially, no matter what that may be. 

At our school, we take pride in welcoming families from all walks of life. We want to show that all cultures and differences are celebrated here at Wheatfield. We are a School of Sanctuary Award winning school and we love to celebrate and show off the diversity in our school - ensuring all pupils are demonstrating fairness, equality and respect towards others. 

By choosing our school, you are giving your children the opportunities to develop mentally, academically, creatively and socially. Please be assured that we will always do our best to meet your child's needs in our school. We work closely with many outside agencies to aid the individual needs of our pupils, including SPACE counselling, Equipping for Life, Ulster Orchestra tuition, NBWISP, NMSports and many more. 

We encourage our pupils to have a positive, can-do attitude and we foster in them the tools and strategies they need to challenge themselves and become life-long, independent learners. Our staff team understand how important it is to engage with pupils and to provide experiential learning opportunities. Although, this does come with the hard work and determination of our pupils, as well as the consistent cooperation and understanding from our school families. 

At Wheatfield, we promise to prioritise the needs of your child. We work hard to develop skills and qualities to make wholesome citizens and provides opportunities to allow their creativity to flourish. Most importantly, we care and love our little people just as much as you do. 


We BELIEVE in our pupils, we can't wait to see what they ACHIEVE and together, we know they will SUCCEED.