Access Keys:

Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim

Welcome to Wheatfield...

It is my absolute privilege to be Principal of Wheatfield Primary School, Nursery Unit & Specialist Provision Units, leading a fantastic staff team.  It is an honour to serve in the school and to develop close links with our local community.

My main goal as Principal is to ensure that we provide the best standard of education possible for our pupils and foster an environment where all talent and success is celebrated.  The pupils are the centre of everything we do and every decision we make.

We are privileged to partner with a number of community organisations who support our pupils.  These include Equipping for Life, Space Counselling, NM Sports NB Whisp and the Ulster Orchestra.  

Wheatfield has a dedicated and hard-working staff team who are committed to achieving our goals as a team.  We are supported by our Board of Governors.  We actively encourage pupil voice in school ensuring pupils are including in their own learning.  

We have extensive facilities in school both inside and outside the building.  This helps to support learning and engage in several outdoor initiatives.   

Our school vision statement is Believe, Achieve, Succeed and we aim to provide engaging learning opportunities for our pupils to grow and learn, working towards our vision.  

We hope that our website gives you an insight into our school and the incredible opportunities we provide for learners.  If there is any further information you require, please get in contact with the school office on 028 9039 1961.

I would be delighted to welcome you to visit our school.  If you would like to arrange a visit to view our facilities, please contact the school office and I would be thrilled to meet you.  


David Lister
