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Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim
School Closed School is now closed for half term and will reopen on Monday 17 February. Have a great break. 
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Mission Statement & Values

Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School strives to promote primary education of the highest quality for all children, in a caring, secure and stimulating environment where every pupil is valued and supported to become confident, challenged and successful learners. Central to this vision is the Christian values upon which the school is founded and the strong relationships that exist between school, home and community.

We believe that our first responsibility is to provide the best quality education possible for the children in our care through effective and efficient delivery of the curriculum. We strive to meet the needs of our children and their families.

We will provide a range of social, educational, moral and spiritual experiences appropriate to the age, ability and individual needs of our pupils. We have high expectations and endeavour to provide access to high quality teaching and learning strategies for each individual.

We in Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School provide a caring, nurturing, supportive environment where children can learn to the best of their ability and feel safe and happy during their time here.

We aim to develop and promote strong relationships between staff, pupils, parents and community, recognising our differences and developing caring attitudes with one another. We will provide opportunities for each individual to unlock their true potential and we strive to continuously improve all aspects of school life.


Believe. Achieve. Succeed.