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Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim


21st Nov 2023
How amazing is this nursery girl who competed in a dancing competition and won not...
17th Nov 2023
This week we had fun exploring 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'
17th Nov 2023
P1 boys and girls brought their favourite teddy to school to enjoy Pudsey PJ Day. ...
17th Nov 2023
The Nursery boys and girls came to school in their pyjamas to raise money for Children...
15th Nov 2023
Our new topic is ‘Castles’
15th Nov 2023
We found out what we like, don’t like and what hobbies we share.
14th Nov 2023
P1 have been reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and they made a sound story to...
14th Nov 2023
Two of our nursery girls used magnets to investigate and explore materials in the...
13th Nov 2023
Primary 5 enjoyed a fun drama session with Ross from Playit Byear! 
13th Nov 2023