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Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim

News - Primary 1

16th Jun 2024
Nursery enjoyed a picnic and playdate to Glenbryn Park with P1s.  They had fun...
16th Jun 2024
P1 and P2 were very proud to show off at their big performance with The Crescemdo...
10th Jun 2024
Check out our video!
9th Jun 2024
P1 are enjoying their new topic 'In the Jungle' They have been exploring the story...
18th May 2024
P1 have been earning lots of rewards for all their hard work in class! Well done! 
18th May 2024
P1 have been doing lots of word and sentence building and writing in the sunshine! 
18th May 2024
P1 have been looking at length and height.  They've been doing lots of measuring...
7th May 2024
P1 have been experimenting with ice! They found that some of our sea creatures had...
7th May 2024
P1 enjoyed a visit from The Petting Farm! 
1st May 2024
Bring £1 on Friday and leave your uniform at home.We are raising money for...